Утас: 11-325019 И-Мэйл: info@orem.mn English

Product ID #
Үнэ #
MSA Safety
Model #
Ангилал #
Амьсгалын маск

Түгээх :
Менежертэй холбоо барих

Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээлэл

 1. Intelligent network system

  • Automatic monitor breathing status and surrounding toxic gas concentration;
  • Information exchange between personal and network;
  • Incident Documentation.
2. Click
  • Fast connection between cylinder and reducer, more than 10 times time saving than traditional thread connection.
  • Self-lock, accidental fall off protection.
3. Quick Fill
  • Fast filling, fill a cylinder within 45 seconds.
  • Safe Filling, allow pressured operation
4. Singleline
  • Compare similar air supply system weight decrease 35%;
  • Outlasted more than 200,000 kinking movements;

Менежертэй холбоо барих

Таны энд бичсэн И-Мэйл хаягаар холбоо барих тул үнэн зөв бичнэ үү.